STay TUne

to all of u,,i hope this blog can bring our relationship bigger and will stand further,,i love all my frenz and thanks for being colours of my life,,to teachers,,and all people that knowing me thanx a lot for ur contribution for making me to be a better person!


PHILAHdelPHia, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus, Malaysia
disini aq nak share something dgn korang sume,,aq dilahirkan di Hosp.Bsr.Pulau Pinang,,and aq mmbesar di Balik pulau sehingga aq darjah 2,,setelah arwah ayah aq meninggal aq berpindah ke kl,,selama 1 tahun,,dan kemudian melengkap kan journey aq di Negeri sembilan bumi yg banyak mmberi aq kenangan,,aq bersekolah di SMKBK model khas,,kemudian di SMTTJ dan menyambung pelajaran di peringkat matrikulasi di KMPK perak,,seterusnya aq akan berada di UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA utk smbung degree dalam bahagian mekanikal..sedikit sebanyak dari aq,,trimakasih kerana sudi meluangkan masa anda,,salam,,

Sunday, June 27, 2010

+hIdup ini memang x sempurna,,+

aq banyak melakukan kesilapan aq kat sume org,,aq taw aq x perfect,,aq slalu terlepas utk menghargai org len,,tapi aq tetap aq,,aq just cintakan seseorang,,tetapi insan yg kucinta tersebut xpernah mmpercayai ku,, dan sering berlaku pergaduhan diantara kami disebabkan kurangnye kepercayaan antara satu sama lain,,aq berharap sgt agar dye berubah,,namun,,aq sering terlalu tertekan hingga benda yg aq xlakukan pown sering menjadi isu baginya,,aq terlalu kecewa.,aq taw aq pernah curang dgnya,,tapi itu disebabkan perangainya sebegini yg mmbuatkan aq kearah itu,,namun hidup sebegini bukan mudah utk kite jadikan perfect,,bagi aq mungkin ini akan mematangkan lagi aq,,tu je,,aq xsggup lagi menanggung kesedihan,,melihatnya merana diatas segala kesilapan yg aq lakukan selama ini,,aq ramai kawan,,dan kawan2 aq banyk mmbantu aq,,kadangkala sahabat kita juga mungkin menjadi salah satu phenomena berat bagi kita apabila hati sudah berubah,,itu yg aq alami,,itu yg jiwa aq selami,,meaning of this story is all about "with it,,or without it,,",,dua2 bermakna bagi aq,,tapi,, aq xmmpu utk menjamin kebahgiaan masing-masing,,jadi,,1 saja jalan bagi seorang pengalah,,iaitu,," undur diri dan jauhkan diri dari insan yg bergelar WANITA ISTIMEWA"..mgkin bende sebegini masih mentah lagi utk org mcm aq..itu sahaja aq ingin kongsi dgn anda semua,,trimakasih,,

Friday, June 25, 2010

nobody care:nobody died

Just a little girl with hair of gold
Full of fun and laughter, or so I’m told
But her world was shattered time and again
And her heart was broken and couldn’t mend
Because nobody cared, and nobody cried
For the little girl with so much pain inside.

Nighttime stories with Uncle Ben
Like Little Red Riding Hood, but then
The big, bad wolf he’d pretend to be
And ravish her body till she would bleed
And nobody cared, and nobody cried
There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

Old Mister Brown, he knew her well
Knew it wouldn’t matter if she should tell
His tongue in places it shouldn’t have been
She felt so dirty, for she had sinned
But nobody cared, and nobody cried
And the little girl just crawled inside.

Suck on this and I’ll give you a treat!
Her dad had said on that lonely street
She did his bidding till he left one day
Used and abused then tossed away
He never cared, he never cried
For his little girl who just wanted to die.

A man named Marvin with her uncle Jake
And the little girl he decided to take
The terror filled her soul and heart
Till her mind and body split apart
But nobody cared, and nobody cried
As the little girl shriveled up inside.

Then there was her step-dad, Paul
Who took her body and fondled and mauled
He told himself, It won’t hurt much!
And look, she even likes my touch!
And nobody cared, and nobody cried
For the little girl who was dying inside.

Then there was her uncle Ralph
Who kissed her hard upon the mouth
Caught by her mother who began to yell
You’re just a slut, you’ll go to hell!
She didn’t care, she didn’t cry
For her little girl that would rather die.

Others came and abused her still
Friends, neighbors, her grand-dad, Bill
The memories and tears she wrapped up tight
And safely tucked them out of sight
Because nobody cared, and nobody cried
For the little girl who was dying inside.

She knew heartache by day, terror by night
She couldn’t scream and she couldn’t fight
She hated herself so very much
And began to fear everyone’s touch
But nobody cared, and nobody cried
As the little girl just died inside.

by Annie Nelson

BAlik KAmpung,,,,,

jam 5 ptg ni aq akan berangkat bersama2 family aq utk balik kampung,,jumpe tokdin and opah aq,,nmpaknye aq kene driving ag ar memandangkan ayah aq balik2 je dah wat muke fainted dye dah haha,,so aq kene amik fast action dgn membuat 2 packet nescafe utk diminum, tapi aq tgh pening nie bju ape aq nak pki utk gerak ke sana nnti,,coz ramai kazen2,akak2 and awek2 yg cun2 menanti aq disana nnti,,haha ape2 pown,,hope korang sume heppy dgn life korg,,begitu jgk dgn aq,,doakan keselamatan aq guys,,hope we will meet soon,,out!